Teaching Street Photography

Campaigning at the Soccer Park - Chinatown NYC

Identical Twins - Chinatown NYC

Sign of the Times - Chinatown NYC

Another Sign of the Times - Chinatown NYC

Old Bank and Street Art - Chinatown NYC

Intriguing Ad - Chinatown NYC

Long Shadow - Chinatown NYC

Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral - Chinatown NYC

The Corner Cafe - Little Italy NYC

Amazon Prime Delivery on Sunday - Little Italy NYC

Movie Star Art - Little Italy NYC

Headless Model - Little Italy NYC

Kiwanis Courtesy Patrol - Chinatown NYC

Lots of Red - Little Italy NYC

Sign Belongs in Neon Museum - Chinatown NYC

Ironic Sign - Chinatown NYC

Buildings Reflected in Chinatown NYC

It Pays to Advertise in Chinatown NYC

Mall Entrance - Chinatown NYC

Pop Up Market - Chinatown NYC

Buildings Opposite Pop Up Market - Chinatown NYC

Pickleball Court in Front of NYC Pharmacy That Sells Pain Meds & Supplies

Last picture before I left town (sidewalk near Met)